Specialty Succulents for Sale

Add some beautiful décor to your space with our specialty succulents for sale here at nVi Garden. Succulents add color and style to dull spaces while purifying air by providing oxygen. At nVi Garden, we sell rare, one of a kind succulents, including echeveria, pachyphytum, gratopetalum, cotyledon, haworthia, and cross breeds such as pachyveria.

Unlike most, at nVi Garden we grow our own succulents while offering competitive presentations and varieties.

nVi Garden operates a year-round greenhouse located in Toronto, Ontario. We partner with a local courier company to offer local deliveries throughout the area for your convenience. Not local to Ontario? We ship our specialty succulents for sale all over Canada.

Shop our website today to place an order! For local deliveries or curbside pick-up, call (647) 588-0604 or send an email to nvigarden@gmail.com.
Echeveria Salmon is a large fleshy hybrid with rose outter leaves and green center. Grown in 3.50” nursery pot and propagated in Toronto Ontario.
Pink frills Echeveria in 2.5” nursery pot.
Haworthia Ice City Grown in 3.50” nursery pot and propagated in Toronto, Ontario.
Pachyphytum Werdermanni is small hybrid with neon yellow leaves when sun stressed  Grown in 2.5” pots and propagated in Toronto Ontario
Echeveria Yeomiwol is a korean hybrid. It’s leaves are dark and compacted forming small clusters. Grown in 2.50” nursery pots and propagated in Ontario Toronto.
Echeveria Champagne is a hybrid between Echeveria Agavoides ‘Romeo’ and Echeveria ‘Laui’. Succulent is very sensitive to temperature change throughout the season and it’s color shows which most sharp color...
Pachyveria ‘light finger’ is a rare hybrid succulent with light round leafs. Succulent is grown in greenhouse condition in Toronto, Ontario. 
Christmas Carol is an aloe with dark green leaves and red, yellow and green tips. Grown in 2.25” and 3.5” nursery pots.
Agavoides 'Ebony' is an eye-catching echeveria succulent. The petals are fleshy with vivid red edges, most pronounced toward the dark red terminal spine. Succulents are propagated in Ontario, and grown...